P*ssing in the streets. 

Although we may not want to admit it, a lot of us have done it. 

But between fines, nasty conditions and being pretty uncomfortable overall, Heineken decided to hone in on this moment, and bring peeing on the streets indoors.

Introducing, “Heinepee”

The campaign that turns a quick trip to the can into free Heineken beers. 

In one of the biggest and most beer-filled events of the year - St. Patrick’s day - we partnered with bars across Boston to launch the challenge.

The rules? Simple. Go head to head with a buddy, and whoever pees fastest gets a next round on Heineken. 

We placed print ads in outdoor hotspots, targeting places people would usually go for a quick pee. We even invited people to place their results online to win the chance to get even more free Heinekens.

Bringing public urination indoors, we made streets cleaner, bills cheaper and the bathroom experience much more fun. 

Cuz Heineken is always #1.